Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blog #2: Supreme Court


The Supreme Court

United States Supreme Court Building - Wikipedia
Photo of the Supreme Court Building


    The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest judicial body in the country and plays a crucial role in the American system of government. Prior to completing the reading from the History Channel, I did have some knowledge of the inner workings of the Supreme Court due to my major in Political Science. The reading highlights a wealth of history in of the Supreme Court and some very interesting cases that justices have been able to vote and decide on. 






History of the Supreme Court of the United States - Wikipedia

While I had some prior understanding, this reading allowed me to refresh and solidify my grasp on aspects of history I hadn't fully retained. I delved deeper into the role and responsibilities of the Chief Justice, uncovering facets I was previously unfamiliar with. Notably, I discovered that the Chief Justice is mandated to sit on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. Additionally, the Chief Justice presides over impeachment trials, a responsibility that particularly captured my attention.

 ROBERT PRICE: Supreme Court confirmations got more complicated with Earl  Warren | Robert Price |

Something that I didn't know much about and also was surprising to me was how active Justice Earl Warren was while serving on the bench. While serving as a justice on the bench Justice Warren oversaw and issued numerous landmark decisions, including ones that banned school segregation (Brown v. Board of Education), put in place Miranda rights or the “right to remain silent” warning given by police (Miranda v. Arizona), and abolished interracial marriage prohibitions (Loving v. Virginia).



Top 5 News Platforms

 Blog Post #1: Top 5 News Platforms

    In our digitally connected era, staying informed is easier than ever with news at our fingertips with just a tap of a button. Our phones, computers, Ipads, tv and more. The accessibility of the ability to allows us to access a plethora of information from around the globe in mere seconds. As young collegiate professionals that are growing in this new modern society, it's vital that we stay up to date of current events to safeguard our rights and ensure transparency in governance. In today's world, staying updated with the news isn't just beneficial it is essential. To navigate the potential biases, it's wise to use a variety of news sources. Personally, I rely on TikTok, Apple News, CNN, Google News, and The Baltimore Sun for diverse perspectives. With the plethora of available sources, it's important to discern reliability and seek out trustworthy and diverse news outlets to maintain a well-rounded and informed viewpoint.




TikTok - Make Your Day

While my parents often advise against relying on social media for news, I find myself turning to TikTok as a daily source of information. With a simple tap on my phone, I can access TikTok and instantly immerse myself in a stream of short, impactful news clips from around the world all without leaving my bed. As a college student, I understand the value of taking breaks from the demands of academics, work, and life's challenges through platforms like TikTok and other social media apps. Over time, TikTok has transformed into a dynamic platform where creators and organizations can share concise news updates, engaging clips, educational content, and trending topics. What I appreciate about TikTok is its innovative approach to news delivery. The content is often crafted in a visually captivating and creative manner, enhancing its accessibility and appeal to young audiences like myself. With its diverse voices and interactive format, TikTok offers a refreshing and enjoyable way to stay informed.

Apple News:

Apple News (@AppleNews) / X 

Apple News is another useful software, similar to TikTok, that allows me to watch and read news on my phone with the push of a button. Apple News is an app available only to Apple customers that offers a personalized news experience based on your preferences and reading habits. The app also makes it easier for a busy college student like me, who may not always have time to watch the news but can get notifications about what's going on during the day while on the go.  I prefer Apple News because it brings together news from a variety of credible sources, making it easy to stay up to speed on a variety of issues from a single platform. 




CNN - Apps on Google Play

 Unlike the quick news apps like TikTok and Apple News is a global news station CNN. CNN provides a coverage of breaking news, politics, business, and more. I really enjoy CNN for its network of journalists and correspondents who deliver timely and mostly reliable news from around the world. CNN's multimedia approach, including videos and articles offers a view of current events. I personally like CNN because of it's, credibility, and the good analysis provided by its team of experts.


Google News:


Google News - Wikipedia
Google News

 Google News is a news source that I have just recently started to use while being in this class. Google News gathers news and articles from thousands of sources worldwide. I enjoy Google News because of its algorithmic approach, which allows me to discover news from a variety of perspectives and sources. It also provides personalized news feed based on your preferences, making it simple to follow the topics and articles that are important to me. I also really like google news because it gives me so the opportunity to fact check different sources in one place which I really like. 

The Baltimore Sun:

Baltimore Sun – Baltimore Sun: Your source for Baltimore breaking news,  sports, business, entertainment, weather and traffic
The Baltimore Sun

 The Baltimore Sun is a really good local newspaper that provides comprehensive coverage of news, events, and issues relevant to the Baltimore area and my great State of Maryland. I really enjoy reading The Baltimore Sun for reporting, investigative journalism, and commitment to serving the baltimore community. The newspaper covers a wide range of topics, from local politics and crime to culture and sports like the Baltimore Orioles.  I personally recommend The Baltimore Sun for anyone that lives in Maryland that wants real time news and is wanting to gain a deeper understanding of local news and issue in Maryland. 

Final Blog

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