Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Blog #3 Eight Values of Free Expression

 Media Law & Literacy: WEEK 2, Pt. 2: Eight Values of Free Expression

When I was reviewing the Eight Values of Expression I found that Individual Self-Fulfillment, Promote Innovation, and Promote Dissent were most important to me. Individual Self-Fulfillment, for me, lies at the core of human dignity and autonomy. I firmly believe that progress and advancement in society are driven by the free exchange of ideas and the relentless pursuit of innovation. Promoting dissent serves as a safeguard against oppression, ensuring that people in power are held accountable and that minority voices are not silenced. All three points are crucial aspects of the significance of free speech in society. They ensure that all diverse voices are heard and that those in power are held accountable. Without the ability to freely express individual self-fulfillment, promoting innovation, and dissenting opinions, a society risks sliding into authoritarianism or stagnation.


The concept of individual self-fulfillment, is indeed a fundamental aspect of human liberty and freedom of speech. C. Edwin Baker's theory highlights how free speech empowers individuals to express themselves authentically, enabling them to develop and shape their own identities. Self-fulfillment is a concept that I resonate with because I feel that each person has a unique perspective to give and should be able to express themselves authentically. The expression not only promotes personal development and fulfillment, but it also enhances the larger aspect of the human experience. Growing up, I often found solace and inspiration in expressing myself creatively whether through writing, art, or music. My outlets provided me with a space to explore my thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, shaping my understanding of myself and the world around me. Through self-expression, I discovered the power of my voice and the importance of embracing my individuality. As a rising junior in college, I've encountered countless people with their own stories, perspectives, and dreams in college. Each interaction has confirmed my belief in the worth of every person, regardless of their background or beliefs. I've grown to regard diversity not as a barrier, but as a source of strength of experiences that enhances human life.

Same Feature, Different Name: Are Social Media Platforms Becoming  Repetitive?

In today's society, the need of promoting dissent is evident in a variety of circumstances, including social media. Social media has become a space for ideas, with people expressing their thoughts on platforms like TikTok; challenging conventional narratives on the news, and organizing for social change. Censorship, news biases, and online abuse, prevent true conversation and silence dissenting voices, and also frequently jeopardize free expression. In today's interconnected world, the internet and social media platforms play a significant role in promoting personal expression and pleasure. Our blogs, social networking sites, and online communities allow people to be able to share their ideas, and experiences on a larger level. This digital world enables people to communicate with others who share their interests and values, find new perspectives, and form meaningful relationships. Connecting this to Steve Shiffrin's argument, the safeguarding of dissent becomes increasingly important in the digital era. Despite their promise to promote open discourse, social media platforms are frequently pressured to regulate information that is deemed provocative or contrarian. However, when these platforms emphasize free expression and defend minority viewpoints, they help to build a stronger marketplace of ideas and a healthier democracy. Conversely, suppressing dissent online undermines trust in institutions and stifles innovation and advancement. To maintain a vibrant and democratic online environment, platforms must promote free speech principles and defend opposing viewpoints. This is compatible with Shiffrin's thesis, which holds that the First Amendment protects minority opinions and that it is our job to criticize the government and engage in opposing discussions. 

Finally, the Eight Values of Expression give a complete framework for understanding the diverse role of free speech in society. Individual Self-Fulfillment, Promote Innovation, and Protect Dissent help us understand the enormous impact that free speech has on creating our identities, propelling development, and preserving democracy. By embracing these ideals, we demonstrate confidence in the power of free expression to empower people, encourage innovation, and promote justice and equality. As we move forward, let us continue to strive for a world in which freedom of speech serves as a beacon of hope, guiding us to a more enlightened and compassionate place.



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